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Bruce & Maddie Clark
Bruce & Maddie Clark
Shed Hunters/Founders

Shed Straps was established by Bruce and Maddie Clark in Bozeman, Montana, to display antlers inside homes, as there is only so much room above kitchen cabinets. Both of them enjoy shed hunting every spare moment of their Spring and have developed a fascination with antlers that is hard to put into words. Both Maddie and Bruce believe that antlers are special, a sort of relic or icon of the places where they were found. What better way to remember these wild places and animals than by displaying these antlers in our homes? 

When not shed hunting, Bruce and Maddie are students at Montana State University; Maddie studies writing and Bruce studies computer science. They also enjoy camping, biking, and hiking together whenever they get around to it.

Bruce, being a fifth generation Montanan, has always loved the outdoors and has seen it as an escape from many of the complexities of life and a place to challenge and test himself. Bruce’s enthusiasm for the outdoors has rubbed off on Maddie, who is from the Midwest but has always been drawn to nature.